Dr Philippe Tunamsifu Shirambere

Associate Professor at Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL)
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Dr. Philippe Tunamsifu Shirambere is Associate Professor and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law in charge of research at the Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL-Goma) in the DRC. He is in charge of International Humanitarian Law, International African Relations, Legal Research and Writing, and Peace and Negotiation in Communities. He also serves as a visiting professor at Université Adventist de Goma where he is in charge of conflict mapping and conflict resolution techniques. He is a Senior Researcher at the African Center for Research on Peace Education and Development (CAREPD) of the ULPGL, a Research Fellow in the Institute for Disputes Resolution in Africa (IDRA) of the Univerity of South Africa (UNISA), and Research Consultant in the Center for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) on transitional justice. Philippe also served as an Evaluator on the Gender and Justice Project for UNDP. He has worked with Heal Africa, the American Bar Association, Christian School for Human Rights, Human Dignity in the World, as well as being a consultant on the Programme of the Restoration of Justice in DR Congo. His work has seen him analyze different armed conflicts in the DRCongo, Darfur, Rwanda, Burundi and  Cote d’Ivoire.

Philippe's areas of interest include Transitional justice; International Humanitarian Law; International Human Rights Law; Conflict Analysis; Alternative Dispute Resolution; Peacemaking, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding; and the Culture of Peace.

He obtained his LLD/Ph.D. from UNISA in 2016, an LLM/MA in International Law and the Settlement of Disputes from the University for Peace in 2011, and a Licence/LLB from ULPGL.

He has published three books and book chapters:

- “Right to protest and public order in the DR Congo”, in Samuel Kale Ewusi (ed) Managing Fragile and Security Challenges in Africa, Upeace Africa Series, Vol 2(2) sept 2015, pp. 101-108

His most recent peer-reviewed articles include: 

- « Rétropédalage du cycle électoral et ses conséquences sur la paix en République Démocratique du Congo », Bulletin FrancoPaix,

-“The ICGLR and the Implementation of the Ezulwini Consensus: Challenges and Prospects” in The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa

-“The right to justice: A challenge for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in the Eastern DRC” AHRLJ

-“Transitional Justice and Peacebuilding in the DRC”, in AJCR

-“Justice Transitionnelle en RDC : défies et nécessité d’une nouvelle CVR”, L’Analyste Topique

Philippe has a blog:  http://tunamsifuphil.blogspot.com/

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